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Defining Zero Waste

Zero waste is a buzzword that has been garnering more and more attention these days, but it’s a goal the Think Zero team has been dedicated to for as long as we can remember.

Our environment has been negatively impacted because of human habits, and working toward a sustainable lifestyle is more important than ever.


The Zero Waste International Alliance defines zero waste as “the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health.”

Zero Waste:

Reduces waste and overconsumption.


Stops the productions and consumption of single-use products that end up as waste.

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Minimizes our impact on the environment.


Supports positive environmental, health, and economic outcomes.

“If we cannot reuse it, if we cannot recycle it, if we cannot compost it, we simply shouldn’t be making it.”

- Dr. Paul Connett

Please visit our services page to learn more about what we do as zero waste consultants, waste reduction, and diversion consulting for homes and businesses.

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